Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Giant Elevator Heads

Sittin by Clark right now. Attempting to take pictures, but really,
you might think I was posting older pics from a week ago. So I just

Clark's back on a CPAP, receiving another blood transfusion, laying on
his back...you've all seen this image before. So as to not get
redundant and in trying to keep this blog entertaining, I've instead
posted a pic of one of the giant elevator heads that creep me the fuck


  1. No explanation --very creepy. Who was the genius that thought those pics would be a good idea????? Makes you wonder! My love to Clark Christy, and you - hugs all around!

  2. HAHAHAHAHA! Literally when I realized what was going on, I laughed my head off!! That is slightly weird but funny too. Anyway.... :)

  3. Jason, you have very expressive forehead wrinkles xx

  4. Ah yes, thanks for posting. I remembered the reference and was curious.

  5. 2 pounds is a huge milestone! Mazal Tov! And it sounds like he's already getting warmed up for his first sun salute! Our hearts are with you, all of you, as always -- Robin & Art

    P.S. the heads would creep me out, too!!!

  6. Jason, I've said this before...you are SO funny!
