Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Well, it's day two of 2011. So far so good. Admittedly, New Years Eve was a bit melancholy. Usually a time of reflection of the previous year and what we take from that to apply towards the future, but masked in tubs of alcohol and vivacious partying! This year, we took it down several notches, giving us time for real reflection of the last year. Experiences of growth, lessons learned, challenges overcome. Heavy stuff, man. Heavy. If you've followed the Chronicles since day one, you'll know our 2010 pretty much stood still in early February. In a lot of ways, my heart and my mind are still there. I guess that's why I was so out of it before the clock struck twelve.

So, we didn't go to a party. Did not entertain guests. It was just the three of us. Cozy, warm, gathered in our living room by a fireplace and mood music. As Clark nodded off to slumber, Christy and I, of course, imbibed in our own celebration, numbing the onset of a cold, no doubt collected on our trip home from TN. At midnight, the city around us came to life. Our home has a spectacular view of Burbank and the San Fernando Valley. We saw fireworks erupt from Universal Studios, our neighbors gathered on their porch to cheer, occasional pops of roman candles from nearby neighborhoods. Christy and I sipped champagne and watched, arm in arm, soaking it in. Not so much feeling like jumping up all New York style. Moments later, we simply returned to the couch to sip, chat, and snack.

Then, something happened. We danced. Christy started it! It was casual, perhaps inspired by the bubbly, but we needed to do it. We danced and funked and leaped around the living room, shaking off the blues! A yogi teacher once suggested: "When you wake up in the morning, dance to the bathroom. Then see if you can't start the day smiling." So, that's how we started the new year.

At about 2ish, 3ish? I can't remember. Clark, awoke for his nighttime bottle. We whisked him downstairs where he was dumbfounded to see the living room transformation. Blankets on the floor, fireplace ablaze, and a disco light splashing colors all over the walls and ceiling. He lay still, eyes wide, mouth agape, in wonder as we changed his diaper. He fed, then the three of us drifted off together on the cozy nest. Here's an attempt at a picture...little dark, but you should be able to make out his expression.
We are entering a new decade. A new beginning. To sum up 2010: Certainly an odyssey, definitely a celebration, an indication that whatever challenges will face us...we can handle 'em.
Happy New Year to you and yours!


  1. What a difference a year makes! Happy New Year my baby chicks XOXOxo:o)

  2. May we all always look upon the world with the same sense of wonder and amazement that Clark has on his face.

    Love and Heartbeams
