Saturday, January 8, 2011

So This Just Happened

He just pulled himself up all by hisself!

You can see the pride.

(THIS JUST IN: While posting this, he made another attempt and slipped on his noggin. Don't worry, a-o-k. Practice makes perfect. Just another way to remind us...that it's on!)


  1. Just get used to the noggin' knockin.' It will happen often. There will be a knot and bruise on his forehead most of the next year. Just facts, people. Just facts. Oh, and there is always one there when you go for your "well baby" check so the doctor has something to ask you about.

  2. I agree with Wendy...all part of the growing up process....just kiss that boo boo when it happens it makes it all better...XOXOxo:o)

  3. I'm wondering... do boy babies get more noggin' knocks than girls?? If so, is it social, or genetic?? I'm leaning towards genetic. (For evidence, see the show Jackass). BTW, can we start a betting pool for when Clark takes his first steps?? If so, $5 says I got second week in March.

  4. the way he is going I will say February 17th! on his first birthday like his daddy did xo:o)
