7:45am - A Big Gulp sized, plastic cup of ice water, with bendy straw, is delivered to Christy. Soon, breakfast will be delivered. Christy will most likely get up to pee. I will most likely get up.
8:05am - I fluff her pillows, straighten her sheets, and prepare her table for breakfast. Very groggy, and although the night is not without interruptions; night nurses checking vitals, Christy getting up to pee, then re-establishing Clark on the heart monitor, which usually sounds like a harsh ocean wave, I find my cot rather comfy.
8:20am - It's still early in the game and the transition of 'living' in a hospital still takes its toll. We deal with that emotionally for a few minutes. xo
8:30ish - Breakfast arrives. Christy, has already ordered from the night before on the Gluten Free menu, a modest dish of creamed corn, a tub of OJ, a box of Rice Dream, and a banana. I'll brush my teeth, plug in the hot-water kettle we brought from home (you gotta get one of these things), and prepare her morning tea. Once my face is washed, stretch out my back, and put on my comfys (yours truly usually sleeps nakie, but for the sake of the many nurses and staff, I wear undies), I'll decide what I want to eat.
Sometimes cereal. We have the means to make toast. I brought a coffee maker from home, so maybe Teacheeno. Today, I felt like a bagel with lox and cream cheese. So watched Christy eat for a bit, replace her food tray with laptop and/or books, then headed to Jerry's Deli.
9:00am - It's a short elevator ride and a quick jaunt to Jerry's on Beverly. Hey, it's Lisa Kudrow!
I guess Friends eat breakfast too. Order up. Mmmm, coffee while I wait. Take the bag back to 3003 Marsden Lane.
9:18am - We stare at each other. Belly's full, bouncin' to Clark's steady heartbeat. Another day ahead of us. Another day towards the good. Another day ahead of the bad. We soak in our gratitude for that. Then check e-mails. Read. Nap.
11:50am - Doc Rothbart makes his daily visit. He looks like Danny DeVito...if Danny DeVito were of normal shape and size. His kind smile, sense of humor and reassuring 'tude is always a welcome sight.
11:56am - Christy pees. I fluff her pillows and straighten the sheets. She calls me "her fluffer" (blush). Before returning to bed, she enjoys standing. We do a quick asana practice. She's back in bed, I toss a pillow on her tummy and engage in Clark's first pillow fight...of which he retreats. Thanks to me, we have to play "Where's Clark?"
EXPLANATION of "Where's Clark?" - So Christy's hooked up to a heart monitor 24/7. Most of the time she finds Clark right away, but there are moments where after returning to bed from the bathroom, or even the slightest movement...he'll run off somewhere, behind her spleen or her bladder and she'll have to move the monitor around until we 'find' him again.
NOTE: The rest of this routine will be brought to you in real time.
Jason, you are so funny! Imagine my delight when I saw Ugly Deer next to her in bed! I love you both sooooo much! ~Dana