Thursday, March 11, 2010

Almost 2 pounds!

That's right..our little sweetheart is almost 2 pounds...1 lb 15 oz to be exact. He is doing really well. They took him off the nasal CPAP (the big scuba looking gear) because his poor little nose was swollen and bruised from it. He is now on the nasal cannula which is so much more comfy for him. It does provide less O2 but he is doing great on it! YAY Clark!! Lessee, what else? Oh, he is still having a hard time figuring out the whole poop thing. They have to give him a suppository. Hopefully he can figure that out soon! THINK POOP! Hee, hee!

The hardest part about going to see him is leaving to come home. Often times, Jason and I will be eating dinner and contemplating going right back over to see him again. This is approximately 15 minutes after we get home. We cannot wait till the day he gets to come home with us...but that's OK, he is where he needs to be, doing exactly what he needs to be doing. And we are here supporting him, loving him and giving him all the positivity we have...

When I first arrived today, Clark was very alert...I put my hand in and as I bent over to look in his incubator and extended my pinky, he wrapped his little hand tightly around it and looked directly into my eyes...for 10 minutes. Now, I was contorted in the most uncomfortable position, but I was not about to leave his gaze. It was the most incredible moment. I talked to him and told him how proud we are of him, how much we love him, and how it is an honor to come see him everyday and pump milk for him...and how we wouldn't change a thing. It was like he was looking deep into my soul and it rocked my world. We found out that even at that age, they can see 12 inches in front of them (basically, elbow to eye-the breastfeeding distance). I know he really saw me today. And again, I fell a little more in love. I am discovering that there are no limits to the heart's capacity for really is all there is...


  1. Yay! Two pounds almost. Keep the pics coming...

  2. Wow, 2 pounds is wonderful! I am so happy for all of you. Yes, he can see you and he knows he has your heart. He has figured out that all he has to do is look right at you both and he can have anything!!! What a smart little boy!!! You now know what the phrase, "He has you wrapped around his finger" means!

  3. Two pounds.. cool. In about 14 years, when he's a teenage boy, and he eats more than two pounds of food at a single sitting, you will SO look back and shake your head in disbelief. Bet you can't wait for that to happen.

    As for the poop thing, next time I meditate, poop will be my mantra.


  4. Oh, almost forgot. Tell Clark thanks for sending back some of the heartbeams while I was sitting in the dentist's chair.


  5. At the beginning of Yin Yoga we always do a Hula and send Love to those who need it. Tonight I asked that everyone send any Love or Blessings they could to The Little Warrior Clark Otis Marsden, they happily obliged.
    Sending you Tremendous Love and Heart Beams....That Little man is such an inspiration, as are you, you Amazing Parents :-)

  6. I am very happy that you had another bonding moment today with your son and there is nothing like it, you are his life line and he knows this...enjoy ~:o) XOXOXO

  7. Sending happy heart beams and lots of xoxo. And poop vibes too!

  8. WOW, GO Clark GO!!!
    You can read into this so many ways;-)
    Love you all!

