Saturday, April 3, 2010

Just a quick check in...

Jason and I are staying a hotel right next door to our little one so that we can relax, have some fun and visit him whenever we want - which we did at 2am this morning, totally surprising all the nurses!

Clark is now 2lbs and 13.5oz...just 2 1/2 ounces and he will be 3 lbs...grow Clark grow!!!

He had a blood transfusion doctor said he didn't need it and another doctor ordered it in the NICU....breathe deeply, remain calm and TRUST!!!!

Clark and I had a non-nutritive breastfeeding date on Thursday and again is one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had...all that pumping-worth every minute to have that bonding with our little one.

What is non-nutritive you ask? Right now, Clark is still getting his feeds through a tube that goes directly to his tummy. So non-nutritive is breastfeeding that is not done for nutritional purposes but rather to teach him to suck and swallow, preparing him to take his food is 'fun' time for him because he is actually in control, which never happens in the is a chance for he and I to bond...and it aids in his development. Whatever you want to call is amazing!

Off to relax and renew...


  1. I am soooooo happy you finally got to experience that special bond between you and your son and that it was as amazing as I told you it would be and I am even happier you and my son are able to get away and relax (even if it is only across the street from the hospital)...have fun kids and Happy Easter my little chickies I love you always & always Momxoxoxo

  2. YAY for resting, relaxing and being able to see that baby whenever you want! Love you guys, hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend xoxoxo

  3. Have fun and I hope you have a great Easter with your little Bunny!

  4. Happy Easter and may the bunny fill all your baskets with love, candy, health and joy! It is wonderful that you were able to bond in that special way with Clark. It is heaven on earth, I remember! You and Jason deserve all the relaxation and time with Clark that you can get. Bravo for hotels right next door!

  5. I forgot to ask...have the doctors said anything about Clark getting to go home once he reaches 5 lbs? He is well on his way! Woohoo...2 1/2 oz will be a piece of cake for him, or maybe a piece of Easter candy!

  6. Happy 1st Easter Clark...of course to Christy and Jason as well.....get use to being last on the best friends say that after they have had their kids....the first things out of friends or familys mouths are how is the baby! They say you become 2nd class and the baby becomes a 1st class citizen....which of course Clark Otis deserve it fella! Wait till next year Clark you will be decked out in all the Easter frills....maybe not to much...since it seems little girl babies get the brunt of all that frilly stuff...but I bet your mom and dad will have a pair of bunny ears for ya! You all have a flourishing week....keep sprouting.....

  7. Love the bunny pics!! I'm SO happy for you guys that the breast feeding has begun - how magical it must be! Hope you guys have had a GREAT weekend. xoxoxoxo
