Sunday, May 23, 2010

First Few Days of Home!

While COC (yikes), er, Chronicles of Clark has been on a week 'hiatus', I'm sure you, our humble readers, are anxious for the unfolding of what has been happening 'behind the scenes'.

The discharge from Cedars was surreal. A giddy morning only to be punctuated with several exclamation points of happiness, glee, warmth, and bliss! There are pics along with a complete unfolding...Christy's workin' on it. The ending looked something like this.

So, did anyone ever tell you that when you have a baby, you sleep a lot less? Why didn't anyone tell us?! What a dirty trick. So, here I am, as I type this sentence, it's 4:16am. I just mercifully took a Clark Shift for Christy (I swear I heard a bit of begging in her voice). Clark had to be literally PRIED from her boob, so I could change him and feed him and Christy could get some much needed shut eye. He was really ornery, fussing lots as I changed his diaper, then sucked down a whopping big bottle in record time. I placed him on my shoulder, bounced him about, and took him downstairs to watch me eat some chocolate banana cream pie (thanks Barb and Don!)! Mmmm, late night snacks rock!
Clark is truly thriving. Getting stronger and more willful by the day. Today was a great day!

Monday night was a learning curve for sure. Where do we put the changing table? Do we need to feed him now? You wanna hold him? Organizing. Agonizing. Exercising (well, not that...just needed another 'ising'). In fact, Monday is kind of a blur, let's just skip to...

Tuesday. Wow, first day at home with the bobbin! No wires! No restrictions! No poop. Oh dear. No worries. Though Clark had been having 'issues' in that department, he seemed comfortable. So we spent the day introducing him to every nook in the house and feverishly organizing. Fitting every area in the house with a 'changing area', complete with a supply of diapers, butt balm, burp cloths and other necessities. That evening Christy and I bathed him, massaged his little body with coconut oil and whisked him to bed.

Wednesday...morning...EARLY morning! Dude loves to eat and loves to be held and loves to tell us so! Christy and I juggled shifts, but she took the late night brunt as I had to work in the morning in Santa Monica. Clark had his first Drs appointment that afternoon where he received an A+ for health! The car ride home was long (traffic), but Clark did nary a complaint.

Thursday. Getting used to getting up at the crack. I had another busy day. Audition in the morning, recording session in the afternoon. It was beautiful outside and Christy set up Clark in the back yard to soak up some rays and some semi-fresh, Los Angeles air. I couldn't help but swing home between appointments to see him enjoying real live nature!

That night though...was rough. No poop still. Clark let out agonizing screams of discomfort as Christy and I could only look on, helpless. Even after a suppository, rectal stimulation, leg exercises...nothing.

Friday. Wow. Really. Freakin'. Tired. Had me an early AM, four hour, recording session, which was followed by another audition in the late afternoon. Instead of coming back home to visit, I stayed out and ran errands. Boy did I miss him! I had called Christy to check on him and could hear him coo and fuss over the phone! I uttered: "Hey buddy!" Thus establishing my first father-son phone call!
Picked up a Snap and Go stroller as part of my errand-running, so when I got home, we took Clark on a first time tour of his neighborhood. With Molly on leash, Christy and I, beaming, as we pushed Clark around our 'burb, as PARENTS! Rock!

By the way...that afternoon...he pooped! Twice! Yay! And again today. Looks like we might have to cancel that GI Doctor's appointment after all! THAT was a relief.

So those are just some tid bits. I've already ranted long enough. To summarize, having Clark home is so much more than awesome! Parenthood is supremely fulfilling and so very tiring, but I can honestly tell you, readers, it's the easiest hardest job I've ever done.

More to come!


  1. About that sleep deprived thingy, maybe when he goes to school you might get a better nights sleep maybe! didn't you read that in your contract! lol... love you guys XOXOXOXO

  2. I'm gonna send you my chapter about the newborn stage which I call The Black Hole. It will make you feel more normal in what you are going through. Bliss and pure exhaustion.

  3. No one ever tells new parents about sleep! Just enjoy the moment and try to sleep whenever you can...maybe! Clark is absolutely beautiful and I can only imagine the pride you and Christy felt on your first walk around the neighborhood! Molly must also be so happy to have everyone at home. "Times they are achangin" and in the best possible way for all of you.

  4. Sounds like you are all getting the hang of being parents and child!! So happy you are all at HOME together...including Molly!! She must love being a big sister!!

  5. If you look back over old posts, I think you were warned! But, no one ever believes it until they are living it. I haven't had a good nights sleep in 6 years, and they train you. Even when I'm away for a night, I still don't sleep, one ear is always open. But, it's all worth it, now consider this fair warning!!!
    Can't wait to meet the little guy, love the pictures and keep 'em coming!

  6. Weellll kids, this is YOUR life now, and hasn't it all been worth it? At least one of you can catch some ZZZ's and then the other one, at home, and not at the hosptial! And, I notice in recent blogs that the Lil Warrior has already started training you guys! Sooooo, you will get some sleep when he "tells" you you can sleep!!! With all that you've been through with Clark, you will never quite sleep the same again........but, this is a good thing. (And, what the hell do I know..I never had kids) but, I do remember being "Sleepless in RI" when you, Jason, were an infant!!!! Teehee!! XOXOXO

  7. You will always remember that first stroll through the neighborhood with Clark. You will NOT remember what a good night's sleep feels like....:-)

    I really can't wait to meet Clark and give him a nice big snuggle. Any thoughts on when you'll be bringing him around YogaBlend?? Gotta get him started on those boga classes... (fyi, boga == baby yoga) BTW, how's Molly handling all this?? And what does Clark think of Molly?? Small bit of advice, make sure to let Clark see you playing with Molly. And when the time is right, help Clark give Molly a nice belly rub. I am so happy y'all are doing so well... except for the sleep deprivation of course... get used to it. I can't believe how cute and adoreable Clark is. Can't wait to meet him... haven't I mentioned that yet??

    Love and Heartbeams

  8. I'm so happy he's home and you're all together.

    Don't worry - sleep will return sooner than you think. The first few months are rough, but every week gets better and better in that respect.

    I'm glad to hear he's poopin,' too!

    Big hugs to all three of you.


  9. Every time you guys would say you can't wait to 'sleep' home with Clark and 'wake up' with him, I just didn't have the heart to tell you there would be little sleeping and no waking because you never went to sleep in the first place! The important part is that you're HOME!! The good thing about the sleep deprivation is that you get to hang out with your beautiful baby, so you tend not to mind...Congrats again and Enjoy!!!

  10. Oh, YAY!!!!!! I am so, so thrilled for you all! Clark is beautiful, and you three make a beautiful family. Congratulations on graduating from the NICU! By the way, this is Lily, the tattooed Asian mom with the baby (Calliope) who was in the NICU at the same time as Clark. :)
