Saturday, May 15, 2010

Random thoughts...

So, we are here at the hospital where we spend 6-8 hours a day every day...we are very fortunate to be able to be here with Clark so much. Jason works, but always comes here before or after. I started working just a couple of weeks after being discharged from the hospital when Clark was born. I wanted to finish the 200 hour yoga teacher training that I had started before my water broke, which, as of May 2nd, is now complete. I had the honor and privilege of guiding 16 beautiful women on their journey to becoming fantastic teachers. I love what I do and worked so hard for years to be able to do it full time. For Jason and I to get to come here and be with Clark pretty much all day every day has been such a blessing and we know has contributed to his amazing progress. Of course, he is a fighter, a champion, a warrior...but we have been here to cheer him on, shower him with affection and love and give him all the positive vibes we have to help him succeed on his journey. It has been full of emotions I never knew existed. And now here we are...just days away from him coming home with that we can really feel like a family. I am so ready to have that time...just the 3 of us...

All the years of hard work have definitely paid off. The studio was a dream that took 8 years to fulfill...and now here we are 5 years later and it is everything I ever dreamed of and more. I have the most amazing staff any employer could want...those of you that know them...know exactly what I am talking about. And the students are the most loving, open people you will ever meet (you all know who you are :) Last night, I was talking to a student and he said, 'you didn't create a created a family.' That was the biggest compliment. Because we are a family...a family of people helping each other to create a life filled with honesty, kindness, joy, acceptance, love and all the wonderful things we imagine life to be...what is possible. To be here where we are now and to receive the love pouring in from all directions is so humbling and we are so very grateful...there are no words to express what we are is the ultimate yoga for big family...

I had thought about going back to teach on May 3rd...but decided that what I needed was time to be with Clark at the hospital without any obligations. To wake and sleep as needed and just be here with him. But I do miss teaching...I miss my staff...I miss the students...I miss Yoga Blend. But I do plan to be back July 1st. Once we get Clark home and have some time to really bond with him...I am excited to get back to doing what I love so much.

A lot of people think yoga is a spiritual form of gymnastics...but for me it is so much has given me the ability to find joy, despite the obstacles. To focus my mind towards what I want to be thinking about and doing rather than being controlled by the mind and its tendencies towards misperception. To be real and show life as it is rather than what we wish it to be. To take responsibility for our own thoughts, our own actions, or own life. You see, it is up to us. As Ghandi said...'Be the change you seek.' This experience has definitely been one giant obstacle to say the least. But we have a choice on how we deal with the obstacle. Do we fall into being the victim? Do we wallow in self-pity? What about grief? Do we project our anger onto others? Do we get consumed by fear spiraling us into a deep, dark place? Do we give up and stop fighting just because it doesn't work out they way we wanted? These are all choices....and once you make the choice towards is WORK. If it was easy, the whole world would live in peace. Only the brave stand up and take charge of their experience. The only person in the whole entire world you can make happy is yourself. When I realized this, the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders and the work became manageable. And it is worth every effort...every time...always!

I feel so deeply connected to everyone, no matter where we are physically. I feel so much love coming to us in the form of food, gifts, help with our little doggie, calls, emails, thoughts, prayers, cards. THANK YOU! Regardless if we have every met, we are all truly connected and I thank Clark for reminding us all of that in such a profound way. Is the argument from the past really worth it? What about someone complaining about everything little thing? What about talking negatively about someone? Does it make you feel good? How about looking inside instead? What is really important to me? To you? To us all? In the end, really, deeply, don't we all just want to be loved?

That's my Saturday rant...and I'm sticking to it!


  1. You my sweet daughter in law are an inspiration to so many people around you and it is wonderful to observe. I am honored that you and I are family. Thank you for taking me into your heart, thank you for loving my son to the depths that you do, thank you for giving me the most precious gift of being a grandmother, thank you for just being who you are, an amazing women with an extraordinary passion for whatever you undertake. I am very fortunate to be part of your life and I will treasure you in mine. I love you very much always & always XOXOXO

  2. During the past year I have learned much from you, by your example; of courage, tenacity and joy. I have missed you, wishing I could have comforted you more through these exceptional months. I needed to read your words. They re-boot and re-start my soul. You will always be a teacher. Isn't life incredible?

  3. Christy, I feel so lucky to know you (and you, too, Jason!). You're an amazing spiritual leader - it seems natural and effortless for you, and we all benefit from your words and presence.

    And thank you, both of you, for reminding us what real strength is, and of course, the incredible power of love that helps us find that strength.
    xoxo Danica

  4. Christy,

    I remember the exact moment I realized that YogaBlend was more than a stuido. It was the Sunday after Clark was born. The last I had heard you were in the hospital on bed rest till Clark's due date in June. As I was walking down the halway to the Restorative class I asked Bekah how you were doing. "Clark was born on Wednesday" she said. Next thing I knew I was leaning against the wall. If it hadn't been there I would probably have hit the floor. As soon as I came to my senses, I wondered why I was so overcome by feelings of shock, worry, and even dread. Afterall I told myself, you and Clark weren't family members. I immediately realized how wrong that was. You've heard the saying that it takes a village to raise a child. In that moment I realized that you, Clark, Jason, and the rest of YogaBlend are part of my village. Thank you so much for that.. and for more than I can express here in words. Really looking forward to seeing you and Clark.

    Love and Heartbeams

  5. Christy,
    Thank you for your moving and inspirational words and little warrior Clark's inspirational journey, which I will share with my brother who is fighting cancer, a battle his family and friends will insure he wins. It brightens myheart to know that very soon, little Clark will be home and that your extended YogaBlend family will get to meet him! Cannot wait.
    Much love,

  6. Beautifully said. You have never stopped teaching, through this entire experience, and I count myself so lucky to be your student. You can take the girl out of the Blend, but you can't take the Blend out of the girl!:) Your spirit shines through every molecule of Yogablend, and had it not been for what you and Jason created there, I would most certainly not be where I am today - or who I am today. Thank you. Love to all of you.

  7. Christy,

    You have expressed yourself so beautifully. Your words come from the heart and anyone who is lucky enough to read this blog can feel your passion. Thank you for explaining Yogablend in such a clear and loving way. I do not know if (at my age, etc.) I could manage all that is a part of the yoga life, but I do know that I embrace your words and love for your extended family. I have known Jason for a long time and he has always held a special place in my heart. He was a great kid, and now a loving husband and father! (That still kind of makes me smile.) I have some gifts for Clark and hope to be able to get a chance to see all of you and maybe Molly, too. You are truly an inspiration. My love and heartbeams go out to all of you every day. The best news is about to be posted and that is Clark is HOME. Love, Beverley

  8. Love this saturday rant as you called it! I agree with all the comments above.... and as a more recent student to YB, I can say that everyday I am there I feel like I have gained a family. Thank you for all you have created. Can't wait to take classes from you in July and hear all about Clark's adventures at home! XO

  9. Reading Neal's comment, I feel like it could be my own. I remember getting the phone call from Marriah and completely breaking down crying as if it were my sister who had been thrust into this experience. Every day, I check this blog, seeing how he's doing, how you're all doing. Every bit of news, I pass along to those that I know don't read it as often, and more often than not, news about you three is a topic of conversation when I'm among friends that are part of the Yoga Blend family.

    I don't know Neal. Or maybe I do. I'm always better with faces than names. But seeing that he has had the same experience proved something to me. Yoga Blend is even more than a family. It's a community of families. A true, supportive, loving community. The kind you hear about that is so hard to find in the world today. We may not all know each other, but when one of ours is in need, we rally together to make a difference. We support each other. In such a large and detached city where so many feel isolated and alone, you've created the kind of wholesome village that most have to relocate to find.

    Every community needs a great leader. Even absent from the studio, there's never any question from any of us who that leader is, and while I can't speak for everybody, I can say that I personally am grateful for you, for the wisdom you unpretentiously share with all of us, and for the community in which so many of us have come to flourish. You two and Clark deserve every gift and heartbeam that have been sent your way through all of this, and a million times more.

    Love you!

  10. Well Sweetie, what a pleasure to see how much growth and grace you have gone through to come to here. You are a blessing that has enriched all our lives. Love, Emilio

  11. I recently got a message from spirit that said, "Divine watches divine. See yourself when you look at the world." I think of you and the reason you have the best students and's because we are all a reflection of OUR teacher. You.
