Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ha Ha

Clark just would not sleep today. I mean, a little nap here, tiny doze there, but otherwise he seemed to just wanna play, be picked up, be entertained. So we took him to a bar. For reals. Well, technically it was grandfathered in as a restaurant, so babies are allowed. For those in Burbank who haven't experienced Tony's Darts, check it out. Locally brewed beers and a vegan menu.

So tonight, after a few eps of Mad Men, we did our nightly wind down in hopes to get Clark to sleep. Just wouldn't do it. Not without some sort of cuddle or nipple in his mouth. Laying him down in his crib...didn't want any of that.

I'm still pretty awake too, so I relieved Christy and sat down to give him one more bottle in hopes to top him off. We feel he's graduated to the "Level 2" nipple, allowing him to work less as he feeds. Well, as he took the bottle, the more drowsy he became. When I sat him up to burp, he dangles over my hand like a drunk...then moments later, like a drunk...he laughed! He totally chuckled. Kind of like a guffaw. It cracked me up, cuz I had no idea what it was about the situation that was funny to him. Of course it didn't have to be funny, the little dude just felt like laughing. I would even categorize it as a triumphant laugh! Like "I did it folks! I was up all day! Party on!"

So sweet. So amazing. I feel so lucky to have had him in my arms at that exact moment to witness that.

Though for some reason he did remind me a bit of Herman Munster.


  1. The last two postings really show big changes in this little man. So freakin' adorable. He looks so big, but I'm thinking he may really not be that big. What are his stats now? The important thing is he looks so damn healthy...such a blessing and miracle. It sounds like he's developing his own little personality and has both you and Christy all figured out already!! Jason, you were so much fun when you were little and so damn entertaining. I think you may have some "acting" competition on your hands! No matter, enjoy every single moment....it goes by so fast! Love you guys....XOXO

  2. wait till the first time he says dada and mama! talk about melt your heart XOXOXO

  3. This post and the previous one are so adorable. Those pictures are hilarious and endearing. He could not be cuter (but you know that). He also puts on a great fashion show! You are both beaming, you can hear it in your writing. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Aw, how cute. I love those random little laughs. The best ones for me are when Jake is sound asleep and he just starts cracking up. I would love to know what he's dreaming about. I love looking at Clark's pics but would love to meet him one of these days.
