Nashville, hometown...well pretty much. I grew up in a small town East of Nashville called Mt. Juliet. A couple of weeks ago, we went back for the first time since Christmas last year where the first sign of trouble with my pregnancy began. It was just a short trip-Wednesday through Sunday, but it was really amazing. Being in my home that I have know for 32 years with my son...we moved there when I was 6...was very grounding. I missed my father like mad. He passed away 3 years ago...before breaks my heart. But I do know that my dad was with Clark in a very different way...not bound by form or Dad stayed with Clark in the hospital while Jason and I went home to sleep. I felt him there...saying "we're gonna be alright" just as he did in his last days in his body. He protected Clark in the hospital...just as you all did with your own energy, thoughts, prayers, blessings and heart beams.
I know that is why Clark is thriving in unexpected ways (well...unexpected by some :) He is ahead of his developmental age in several areas...the gratitude we feel is overwhelming.
So...we went 'home' and although Clark was born here in LA, he is a southern boy at heart...just like his mama (that's me :) To see my little healthy baby boy rolling all over the soft cushy floor of the house that is still my home made me feel safe in a way that was a long time coming.
(View from the loft)
I needed that trip...we needed that, Jason, Clark, my mom, and my brother. The past 3 years have been a bitch to say the least...but here we are...all of us.
Back to the trip (sorry, mommy brain distracts me)...So, the reason we went was 1) we desperately needed a trip home and 2) my high school reunion was on Oct 16th. Perfect reason.
The reunion was great. It was nice to catch up with people after so many years. My favorite part of the reunion was the family picnic cuz little Clark got to go with us. So many of my friends from the past followed Clark's journey and it was amazing to be there with all of them and their much much kind of picnic...
Jason and I went out 3 out of 4 nights. THANKS NANA!!! My mom is the best Nana ever. My brother better appreciate how good he has it living just 10 minutes away (I know you do've told me so...tell Mom more OFTEN!) She is super Nana! She picks up his kids from school, takes them wherever they need to go, buys them whatever they need, cooks for them, has sleep overs and special days designated to just one of her grandchildren and she rotates fairly through each of them. Since we live so far away, we don't get the week to week but we sure did get the 'my grandson...daughter's baby...special little preemie boy who lives across the country' treatment. Mom was ON IT. She played with him, sang to him, fed him, babysat him and rocked him to sleep every night. are what a Nana is all about...I love you. My dad was the same way...
But, 'we're gonna be alright' and we are...Clark has shown us that...and boy does he LOVE his Nana!
Yes...Jason and I went out 3 out of 4 nights. 1st night...Michal Franti and Spearhead at the Ryman Auditorium. We actually decided to change our flight to a day earlier just to see him. It was SO worth it...the show was amazing and I am not sure where Jason and I got our energy after flying all day with a baby...but we were rocking out that night! Perhaps it was because we were home and knew that Nana was there for the night and really wanted us out of the house so she didn't have to share her grandson. She practically pushed us out the door. We started at the world famous Tootsies. A classic Honky Tonk where sooo many stars got their start. We opted for the upstairs band and sat in the open aired seating directly behind them. It was really cool to see the performance from that perspective. Then a few short steps to the Ryman where Michael Franti rocked it.
Next night, Jason, Clark, my mom and I went to Taste of Wilson County and sampled all the local cuisines. I am pretty sure that it was this evening, Clark slept through the night. We put him to bed around 8. He woke up briefly at 2am, so we put him in bed with us and lo and behold, another 5 hours he slept! To wake up, see the sunlight and realize you got almost 9 hours of pretty much uninterrupted sleep is a feeling that I cannot describe but it is GOOD!
Friday night was our night out with one of my very best friends in Nashville...Robin. We always see him when we are in town and always have a GREAT time. This one was no exception...well except that we did get home at a MUCH earlier hour, us being all responsible-adult-like and stuff.
We went to this amazing bar called The Patterson House where they have a waiting lobby library style where the 'Rules of the Bar' were posted and so appreciated by us: Some examples:
-Each bartender has a name and it is not 'chief', 'buddy', or 'pal'. Please find out their name and use it. -You will only be served if you are seated. -Please do not order cosmos, dirty or apple martinis. We serve unique, custom made drinks. Try something different. -If you are a male, you are only allowed to introduce yourself to a female if you have been invited by her friends. -Each drink is special and custom made and will take some time to make. Please be patient.
How awesome is that? They wait until seats open up to let you in. We were sat pretty quick upon our arrival. The bar was like an old speakeasy. The bartenders were all dressed in vest and tie, looked amazing and really knew their drinks-which were all so deliciously unique.
Again, we had an amazing time...knowing that our little boy was probably asleep on Nana's chest definitely helps..and when we got home...we found him exactly there.
The following night was the reunion which was really would see people from afar and recognize them...sort of...but before you could get closer to would see someone else that was closer and start talking to them. But it was so great to connect with the people that I did get the chance to and I am very happy that I went.
And the next day...breakfast at Cracker Barrel with my mom, my brother and his kids and my cousin who just LOVES babies as you can see...
Then it was off to the airport for our flight back to our other home. We are so grateful to have 2 homes and the means to travel between the 2 easily. Clark was amazing on the plane...he just slept, played, ate and slept.
Oh...Jason was so funny as he sat on the plane with Clark in his lap. We knew the flight was completely full so Jason kept holding Clark up and saying "who wants to sit with the baby?" He cracks me up. ended up being a very nice older gentlemen who had 6 kids...didn't bother him a bit. On the way back, we lucked out with an empty seat in our row which little Clark Otis took all for himself!
Man, this kid is well traveled. How fun. Glad you guys got to go out. I am so excited to meet you next week in So Cal!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you had such a good time visiting your hometown and family...there is no better feeling than "coming home" no matter how old you are.
ReplyDeleteYour mother told me she had the best time bonding with Clark and she even gave him some kisses from me, which I though was very sweet. I know that feeling, living so far away and when you're finally with him you want to spend every minute just holding him. I am like a child on Christmas morning anticipating my visit in December. I'm counting the days,hours,minutes until I get to hold my grandson for the first time, to spend 3 whole days of quality time with him and just bond. I should warn you though, leaving will be very difficult, you may want to check my luggage before I amazes me how being a new grandmother is so much like being a new mom. You have this same automatic feeling of being connected to this precious little being and you love him more than life itself. This is your child's child, your hooked....did I tell you and Jason today thanks for making me a grandmother? because it is the best gift, a role I will cherish for always, when you think of "coming home" remember you have a 3rd home too, here in New England. Sometimes crazy, known to be a tad disfunctional at times but a family with a Nana & Grampa, sisters and brothers, aunts uncles and cousins and friends,looking forward to getting to know the two people who make our Jason's life you sweetie, Linda XOXOxo:o)