"I found your keys! They're in the recycle bin."
"What's the remote doing in the hamper?"
These are a few things we found ourselves saying lately.
Here's a few things Clark has been saying:
"Be." "Beh." "Da'goon." "Dada." "Bay-bee." "Mah-mee." "Wooooaaaaoowww." That last one is probably the cutest exclamation. Imagine the sweetest, softest, sounding "wow" that you could ever hear. Then imagine Tinkerbell-like chimes ringing as you hear it. Yeah, unbiased, gooey goodness!
As you can imagine, things are ever so non-stop in the Marsden household. Christy and I have been balls to the walls with work, which has been awesome. Meanwhile, Clark is full on walking and exploring. We had to buy him shoes. That's right, shoes! He's a shoe wearin' fool now! Which makes outings that much easier. Too tired to carry him? No prob, he'll walk. Usually at a much slower pace than we're used to. Usually not in the direction we are intending to go. Usually. But the dude is also usually obedient.
"Ah ah ah." Is also something you might hear us say often. "Ah ah ah", with a curt enough tone, indicates something Clark shouldn't be doing (It's also the tone we use for our dog, Molly. So it can get confusing for the innocent party). If Clark moves beyond the "ah ah ah" and decides to go ahead and put his hand in the dog bowl, throw food on the floor, or walk into traffic, then a fierce "No!" is implemented. So, we let Clark wander wherever he wishes (within' eye sight), if he strays too far, we: "Ah ah ah, come on over here." To which, he stops and makes his way to join us.
Clark, is an absotively posilutely very good kid. He's fierce, brave, sensitive, cuddly, funny, inquisitive, and downright cuuuuute! His sleep routine you could practically set your watch to. Wakes every morn between 6:30-7am. Then every three hours after that, a nap. Has breakfast when he wakes, lunch at noon, dinner at 6, bed by 7:30pm (8 at the latest), and gives us no grief when being put down to rest.
His new hobbies are, swimming (last weekend in Palm Springs, he couldn't get enough!), throwing things down stairs, pushing chairs and large objects, hiding behind curtains, opening doors/drawers and emptying the contents (sometimes putting things back), and the kid just will not stop smiling!
His Nana Pat got him a full on Radio Flyer wagon which he loves (as do we). He'll ride in it along our local bike path, at Farmer's Markets, or just in our driveway.
Every day is something new. He does indeed change so fast. When I see newer babies while I'm out and about, I can't help but yearn for those times when Clark was a bit more helpless, light as a feather, tiny. It's just the sadness of watching my boy shed layers that are now forever gone. But underneath each layer is something more outstanding than the next! Thanks to Groupon, I just got us a 1/2 off Family Membership to the LA Zoo...so that's happening! Basically, kids, it's ON. It's so on!
love hearing all these new adventures, wish I lived closer to see him in action but grateful for any time we have together.....miss my little sweet pea and his mommy & daddy too XOXOxo:o) Grampa sends these too XOXOxo:o)