Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday update

All is well in Clarkville! He did lose some weight last night, 30 grams-back down to 1 lb 10oz...but as they remind us, it is to be expected. He is still having his brady/apnea episodes, but they are only lasting 5-10 seconds and most times he comes back without arousal. He is on 1 cc of breast milk every 3 hours...which, for his size and age, is really good. They are not ready to increase until the brady/apnea episodes decrease. So, all is good and we just let him keep growing and sleeping and breathing...

My mom is in town and is leaving tomorrow...she came out to support us during this, but was well aware that she wouldn't able to see Clark because of the visitor ban they have had in place for 6 months due to H1N1. BUT, starting today, they allowed grandparents to come in to visit their grand-babies. Just one day before she is going back to TN! YAY! She was so happy as she stood over his islet and fell in love with her 4th grandchild (my brother has 3 kids). He was crying and his cry is so sounds like a kitten. His little bottom lip quivers and it just broke my mama's heart. As we were leaving, she said to him in her sweet southern accent..."can I just have a little sliver of my heart back, Clark? 'cause you just took it all. (Pause) On second thought, you can keep it!" So sweet!

Mom and I went in early this morning to get Clark his milk for the day from all the night pumps and to see his pediatrician who gives us all the updates in addition to what the nurse tells us. Came home to re-fuel and pick up Jason. Finishing up pumpin' and headed back to see our little munchkin.

This is our life...and I wouldn't change a thing...


  1. I wish I was riding in the car with you on all these trips!!!!!

  2. When I read that Jason was reading Harry Potter to Clark, it reminded me of when Dumbledore told Harry that the reason Voldemort's spell bounced off of him was because he was "...protected by his mother's love, which is the most powerful spell of all..." or something like. If that's true at all, and y'all know it is, then it will be just a matter of time till Clark is running around causing trouble like Fred and George Weasley. May God be with you both at that point.

    And Christy, just wanted to make sure you realize something. YogaBlend is not just a studio, it's a community you helped create. Don't forget or underestimate the amount of love, support, positive energy, and more tangible forms of help that community is willing and able to send your way.

    I had thought of making y'all some sort of comfort food, but given my complete lack of cooking skills, I figure the resulting food poisoning is the last thing you need. Don't be afraid to let people know if you need something.


    I decided to send a heartbeam in y'all's direction. Is sky blue ok??

  3. Christy, Clark sounds so cute!! Quivering lip and little kitten cries. Oh my I think I can hear him...too sweet. I am sending heartbeams and thinking about all of you every minute. I am also smiling at complete strangers in honor of Clark!!

  4. I had just gotten back to your blog when still, there was nothing for March 1st. It worried me. Then the page refreshed. But thank goodness all is well. Hope you guys got the dedication video I sent.


  5. Everything is going to be perfection. I know it. I am so damn proud of you both.
