Monday, April 5, 2010

Clark Auditions for Acid Reflux Commercial

(CLICK the image to see bigger)
Yes, it appears as though Clark did not enjoy his bath. Water too cold? Nurse, not hot enough? We'll never know until he can finally vocalize his aggressions.

For now, we have to read the expression on his face. Like when he gets reflux from his feedings. The nurses have upped his feeds to 26ccs, including a lovely fortifier (extra nutrition) that may, or may not, be contributing to his reflux. Poor guy. Whenever the buildup strikes, he hunkers down, or arches in appeared agony and holds his breath, fending off the discomfort until he turns a very unsuitable shade of eggplant. Illustration below (CLICK on pic to make big-like):

The last few days, he's desaturated during every feeding. We've even had to sacrifice holding him because the episodes become too frequent. It seems that a reclined position is more comfy for him while he deals. Though today, he seems to be hangin' in there. I would dare say that he's 'adapting'. In fact, as I type this, he hasn't had one episode yet, and he's already in the middle of his feed.

Clark continues to thrive!


  1. He looks GREAT! Thanks you guys, so much, for sharing.
    Checking the C of C blog is as much part of my normal day -as brushing my teeth but much more interesting...can't wait for the book...

    Don't forget your Yoga xxx

  2. The first time I bathed Josh, I thought I was killing him! Danica loved her bath and never once cried. You would think Josh was allergic to water the way he reacted. Go figure, he ended up being in water polo and swim through high school! Clark looks mahvelous!!! Maybe the nurses and doctors could give him a little more breathing room. He needs to rest between those nourishing moments! Grow Clark grow!

  3. He is looking so BIG in comparison!
