Monday, April 5, 2010

You've got the cutest little baby face...

We walked in yesterday just in time to witness Clark getting a sponge bath...he was not a happy camper but oh my...he looked sooooo adorable. The nurse scrubbed him up nice and clean and put him in a new outfit. Before she put all his nasal gear back on, we got to see him for the very first time with almost nothing on his face....
Check out this little cutie...who by the way is just 1 1/2 ounces shy of 3 lbs!!!


  1. Oh WOW what an amazing photo! He's quite the looker!
    Thanks for the post! Lots of love your way!

  2. He is growing by leaps and bounds. I was at another commitment tonight and a mom and her newborn were sitting in front of me...the little angel (girl, named Amanda) was a full term baby now 6 weeks old and I would guess 9 lbs or so. The thing is, she was so very small and it put everything in perspective for me with Clarke and how much smaller he is than Amanda and the fight he has had to fight and continues to do so at an amazing clip. And, at this rate, I have no doubt that Clark will surpass this nonpreemie newborn way before his time to do so. He is truly a little "superman". Everyone who knows me asks me about him and I am more than proud and happy to go on and on and on .......he lights up our lives! Heartbeams loaded with love coming your way!!! XOXOXOXO

  3. I know I said just a couple of days ago that he would be 3 lbs very soon. He is doing so well and making headway very quickly. He is so CUTE. He'll be moving on to 4 lbs shortly. Love to all of you (and heart beams, too!)

  4. So cute!!!!! He totally looks like Jason!

  5. So that's what his nose looks like! Yay!!!! What a sweet, sweet little sweetie! He is so beautiful.

  6. I am so in love... HEY!! Bekah, quit stealing my lines!!

    Just when I thought Clark had taken as much of my heart as there is to take, turns out I had a little bit more he could take with this adoreable picture.
