Nearly two weeks of at-home-parenthood and all is groovy! I mean, talk about 'letting go'. Every waking moment is dedicated to him. Sometimes we get lost, staring into his face, and it truly feels as though our hearts are going to burst from our chests and splatter pink and red glitter love sparkles all over the freakin' place!
For the most part, Clark is really pretty chill. If he fusses at all, it's the usual reflux or pushing from the tushin'. One of my favorite moments is when he's fully awake and so alert, grabbing at the air, his eyes wide with an expression of 'Alright! So what's next?!' It's like he's soaking in information. Or shooting out the excitement of being alive. Both perhaps.
Some days, he is pretty wiped and would rather doze than eat his full feeds. Others...he's insatiable. Sucking down a bottle then demanding more. And by 'demand', I mean, continuing to suck (on air), or (one of my other favorites) if I'm burping him over my shoulder he'll repeatedly face plant my neck searching for a nipple that isn't there. Sooooo cute!
He seems to like car rides. He's taken three so far (not counting the trip home from the NICU) and pretty much stays asleep throughout. He loves his walks around the neighborhood. Pretty much digs being in his car seat...which is why he's in there right now...on top of our coffee table in the living room, next to the laptop from which I am typing to you at this moment.
I'd have to say my absolute favorite holding him. Any chance I get! Whether just carrying him around the house, or feeding him, or on my chest, curled up in a little ball, safe and asleep.
No wait! I also love kissing him! His neck, his cheeks, his forehead, his dome, his belly...oh dear, I'm so gay for this little dude!
Wait! Pickin' out outfits for him! I'll admit it...I had me a Barbie as a little boy. (Sniff, snort) Also GI Joes and Transformers (spit), so don't go judgin'. Albeit, she spent most of her time naked with Ken, but yes, I do love dressing him up! He's got so many freakin' clothes (thanks everybody). Most are pretty big, but I get so excited to see a drawer full of outfits that we have to look forward to!
Hold on...another fave. The moment when he fusses really hard, then watching his expression change as a nipple is finally introduced to his mouth. It's kind of like when you're talking shit about someone then that person walks in the room and you instantly change your tone to 'happy to see them'. One second, he's pissed...then "Heeeeyyyy, what's up nipple?!"
Oh, man, I think there are wayyy to many faves to list here right now. So I'll just conclude with my absolute, 100%, non-negotiable, too true, the jaws-of-life-will-be-needed-to-change-my-mind, fave...
...this guy.
you've convinced me are so hooked! now you know what it means when they say, your life will never be the same as you know it...the greatest feeling isn't it...for the rest of your life you will be there for this little person, good bad or indifferent. You will be adored by him, you will embarrass him, you will be the most wonderful person in his life and his least fav some times. You will make decisions for him that you will feel are the best but they turn out to be the worst and vice-versa...enjoy your ride it is oh sooooooo very worth it "Daddy".....I love you Son always & always your MOM XOXOXO
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of favorites, guess what my favorite website is?? And guess who my favorite little boy is (eventhough I'm still waiting to meet him)?? If you need a hint... the person in question has a cute little double chin.
Love and Heartbeams
Well it certainly sounds as though he has you hook, line and sinker!! Just love him, that is all you have to do. You know he loves being at home with mommy and daddy. He is so precious. I have got to get these gifts over to you!! He will grow out of them and then I will have to go out and get more! Oh no!!!
ReplyDeleteMan, I love reading your posts!! I'm so looking forward to when I get to meet him!! :D
ReplyDeleteHe's so amazing! Just like his parents ;)