Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's A Good Thing I'm Not Tired

Well, not too tired anyway. This little angel you see in the following pics represents maybe 15 minutes of "sleeping Clark". In between about two hours of "I'm wait, I'm awake...I'm wait, I'm hungry...I'm sleepy, no wait..." and me, like an OCD case, repetitively opening the refrigerator to take out his bottle, only to put it back in once he nodded off. Back to the couch I went to lay him down, only to have him stir and fuss with annoyance at me for not reading his mind, which apparently was saying "Yo! Even though I ate a full bottle not an hour ago, I'm ready for another one, bitch!"

Yeah, I know...language. I don't know where he picks it up.

Okay, he seems to be down now. For real. I should probably sleep too, but I gots some bloggin' to do.

Took him to work with me this afternoon to show him off! With a great display of fatherly pride, I would offer "Do you wanna hold him?". I'd just beam as if I just made a delicious sauce; "Here, you gotta try this!" I love watching my friends hold Clark in their arms. He reduces the most stoic to a babbling, grinning, silly-song-singing mess! It's classic!

He's getting more dense. Heavier. Longer. His face continues to mold itself right before our eyes. We make a joke of it, but truly he's getting cuter by the second! He's starting to experiment with sounds. Amusing himself with coos and gurgles. His demands are becoming greater. At night, he still offers us maybe two or three hours of sleep at a time. As eagerly as I can muster, I pull myself out of bed and begin the routine. Sometimes, after I change him, warm his bottle, and begin feeding him...I'm so tired I just want to cry.

But look at this face!

It's all so worth it! I don't even need to remind myself. It's soldered into my heart.

Alas, last evening I declared a temporary STOP in visitors. It just got to the point where I would be so tired, have an appointment or errand during the day, and between Clark care, next thing you know it's five o' clock and a new guest is scheduled to come by. The day is lost and somehow I missed time for a nap. offense friends...but like Nancy Reagan wanted, we're "just saying no".

Ahhh, he's asleep. I'm gonna stay awake a bit longer. Next time he stirs it's Christy's shift. Can't wait for tomorrow to see what happens next!


  1. Jason,

    (And I'm assuming it's Jason eventhough it's posted under Christy's name...)

    I can only imagine how one look at Clark's face can make anything worth it. BTW, others have said this, and I may have said this myself, but thank you and Christy so much for this blog. Checking for updates has become a major highlight of my day. Thank you very much for sharing your experiences and journey with us.

    Love and Heartbeams

  2. P.S.

    Damn this kid is adoreable.

  3. Hang in there daddy you're doing just great...again...I am so very proud of you, the 3 of you!.....and yes, look at that face, he is you son XOXOXO

  4. There is no doubt he DOES get cuter every time I "see" him, but his hands just kill me. It's like he's always waving hello!!! I could stare at his face all day long. God's little miracle!! As Neal says, thanks so much for sharing your journey on this's almost as good as being right there with you (NOT!!!) But, one day in the near future, I hope!! Take care of each other and your precious little bundle! XOXOXO
