Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blogging from the Bedside

12 mins left to hang with Clark before the regime change. He's laying
in a funny crossed leg position, foot resting on his knee. If he were
in a chair all he would need is a pipe, copy of Gatsby and a brandy.

Learning to breathe must be tough. I remember my first yoga class, how
the breath was so important. It was like learning to breathe all over
again. I guess it's not just his lungs that he's getting used to, but
the whole plethora of complex organs, veins, and matter that he has to
deal with as well. I wonder if it's as frustrating as figuring out a
recipe or putting together an engine or the fine complexities of a
computer chip.

Hey just now. His heart rate slowed. Stopped breathing again. But
Daddy was there to rub his feet and bring him back.
Saved your life again, buddy boy. That's three times now on my watch.
Oooohhh you're so gonna owe me big.

Yeah, blogging on the phone is tough. Just got a dinner offer. Gonna
take it.

1 comment:

  1. now I know where Clark get's his amazing from and you really are son XOXOXO
