Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today Was a Little Bit Better

Chris and I got lots more sleep. A better recharge to provide a lot
more love and healing to this little dude!

Still Brady episodes (forgetting to breathe), but less. They boast
tomorrow they'll remove the lights that reduce his jaundice so we can
see these pretty eyes full time.

More to come!


  1. He looks as though he is talking. WOW - The heart beams must be powering through! He is one amazing boy! :)

  2. What a hard core little trooper you have. I always knew Jason would make a super hero. Christy - wow! My prayers are with you guys.

  3. Isn't he the most perfect little treasure you ever saw.....I am so in love with this little guy (and his parents are pretty awesome too)XOXOXO

  4. While forgetting to breathe is normal, I know it can be scary. Gracie did the same thing. In fact,she came home with an apnea monitor that would sound a LOUD alarm when she would forget to breathe during the night. You can imagine how it would send us across the house to her room in a matter of seconds! We were relieved when that stopped. :)

  5. He's a champion! You guys must be very proud. I love you guys and can't wait to meet little Clark!
