Friday, March 26, 2010

The latest on Clark

Clark is doing really well. He looks amazing. They have upped his feeds to 20cc every 3 hours (just last week he was at 1cc)...they have been steadily increasing every day and he is tolerating them great! He is gaining weight every day. He is now officially 1 lb over his birth weight at 2lbs 10oz!! He is pooping on his own. They have just finished his last IV feeding, so it is all breast milk with fortifiers now-the fortifiers help by adding calories, protein, fats, etc (which is what the IV was doing). He is off the CPAP and he is super stoked about that...he cannot stand that thing. He is on nasal cannula 24/7 now and has been doing great with no Bradys, or DeSats...but since adding the fortifiers and increasing his milk volume, he is having a few episodes (all self-resolved which is good). The nurse said it is probably due the increased milk plus fortifier which can be harder to digest making him work harder, therefore lowering his heart rate, etc, etc, etc.

But all in all...he is doing really well! I get to hold him every day for a couple of hours and it is the highlight of my day. His Daddy also holds him almost daily and it is the highlight of his day too. Clark loves it...we can tell.

Oh and check out my little yogi in chin mudra...merging his individual soul with the soul of the universe...he is so in tune!

We know that all the love, prayers and heart beams from all of you is making a HUGE difference, From the bottom of our hearts...thank you!

Clark, Christy and Jason


  1. This kid is going to be just fine. What a phenomenal relief! I love you Christy.

  2. He is the cutest baby ever (but you already knew that)

  3. Oh my Goddess what a little God!!!!!!!

  4. He's looking great. What growth!

  5. Woo Hoo!! You guys are awesome parents. Do you have super capes? So happy you both can hold Clark everyday. What comfort for all of you. Take care!

  6. I love his little belly! The weight gain is fantastic, at this rate I bet he'll be home before the date the doctors gave you!
    Good Job Clark!!!

  7. Way to GROW Clark! Whoo hoo is right! Looking great!
    The chin mudra is something else! How cute.

  8. He is a rockstar just like his parents! Incredible! Lots of love and heart beams from the Eber-Honnig house!

  9. Amazing, he's getting to be a a little "buddaball". It is such a relief, not to mention a true blessing, watching his progress. It's all good! Heart beams and love!! It won't be long now!

  10. Wow... can't believe how much weight he's gaining... and pooping too. You will so look back one day and not believe he was ever this small. Bet y'all can't wait to bring him home. Looking like that's gonna be sooner than later now....:-)

  11. That is the best news ever!! 2lbs 10 oz-BRAVO CLARK! He looks so darling and the growth over the last 5 weeks is astounding! So happy for all of you!! Love and heart beams in abundance being sent your way every minute! :)

  12. That pic is so amazing! and I am so glad to hear all the great news. Still sending so much love to you guys and am always so grateful for the updates!

  13. He is filling out very nicely. He is beautiful.
